How to create a web form?
For a step-by-step guide on creating web forms, please see tutorial video at

Troubleshooting common errors with web forms

Web form not working properly:
Please make sure you are testing the web form on a web server that supports PHP. Forms do not work when tested in local preview.

Upload all form script files. For example, exporting source files for a form with file name “contactme.html” will generate the HTML file and a folder containing the form PHP script. Please upload both contactme.html and the folder “contactme” to the same directory.

Some web servers may have special settings that need to be turned on in order for forms to work. If you have verified all form files have been correctly uploaded and you still have trouble, please contact your web host provider for more details on this issue.

How to designate form submission emails:
When completing form settings, please complete both the primary and secondary response emails (with different addresses), this allows two copies of the response to be sent to you. Some web servers may have special settings that need to be turned on in order for form emails to work, please contact your web host provider for more details on this issue.

Form submitted but not able to receive response:
Check in the email spam folder as the response email may have been mis-filtered.